इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी अध्याय 7 (Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 7) के सारे Objective और Subjective प्रश्नों का Solution कराया गया हैं। इसलिए इस आर्टिकल पोस्ट में दिये गये प्रश्नों का अध्ययन आप सभी ध्यान पूर्वक करें।
Bihar Board 12th Hindi Chapter 13 Solutions – Prose Section
नमस्कार दोस्तों, इस आर्टिकल पोस्ट के माध्यम से आप जानेंगे, बिहार बोर्ड क्लास 12th इंग्लिश पोएट्री चैप्टर 7 (Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 7) का सलूशन। इस पोस्ट में वैसे प्रश्न हि बताये गये है, जो आपके परीक्षा के दृष्टि से काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। इसलिए सभी प्रश्नों का अध्ययन ध्यान पूर्वक करें।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 7 का वीडियो सोलुशन का लिंक इसी आर्टिकल में दिया गया है, जहाँ से आप सम्पूर्ण हिंदी अर्थ में प्रश्न एवं उसका उत्तर को समझ सकते है। इसलिये निचे दिये लिंक पे अवश्य क्लिक करें। बिहार बोर्ड अंग्रेजी का टॉपर होट्स नोट्स प्राप्त करने के लिए 8920713254 पे सम्पर्क करें।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 7 Objective Question Answer
Chapter Name – MACAVITY : The MYSTERY CAT.
[1] The waste land has been composed by
(A) TS Eliot
(B) wh Auden
(C) john Donne
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[2] MACAVITYs power’s of leviation would make a….stare
(A) Saint
(B) devil
(C) fakir
(D) none of these
[3] MACAVITY is outwardly
(A) miserable
(B) healthy
(C) respectable
(D) none of these
Answer:- C
[4] MACAVITYs foot prints are not found in any….. of Scotland yard
(A) file
(B) book
(C) copy
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[5] according to Eliot macavity is the….. of crime
(A) Hitler
(B) Napoleon
(C) Alexander
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 7 MCQ Video
[6] who has composed the poem macavity the mystery cat
(A) TS Eliot
(B) wh Auden
(C) WB Yeats
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[7] Eliot was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in
(A) 1947
(B) 1948
(C) 1949
(D) 1950
Answer:- B
[8] Eliot belonged to….. century
(A) 18th
(B) 19th
(C) 20th
(D) none of these
Answer:- C
[9] Eliot was a
(A) poet
(B) verse dramatist
(C) critic
(D) all of these
Answer:- D
[10] macavity the mystery cat is a….. poem
(A) humorous
(B) didactic
(C) symbolic
(D) none of these
Answer:- A

[11] macavity is the….. of Scotland yard
(A) despair
(B) bafflement
(C) frustration
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
[12] TS Eliot has written the poem
(A) fire hymn
(B) snake
(C) macavity the mystery cat
(D) the soldier
Answer:- C
[13] …… is a master of criminals
(A) macavity
(B) monkey
(C) racavity
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
[14] macavity is called
(A) the hidden paw
(B) the mysterious paw
(C) the exposed paw
(D) the naughty paw
Answer:- A
[15] he brow is deeply lined with thoughts….. whose brow is the post talking about
(B) himself
(C) his neighbours
(D) his father’s
Answer:- A
Class 12th English English Bihar Board
[16] The poet compares macavity to
(A) Charles
(B) samundra Gupta
(C) Bismark
(D) Napoleon
Answer:- D
[17] macavity is the settlement of
(A) bcotyard
(B) mcotyard
(C) scotyard
(D) none of these
Answer:- C
[18] or when the milk is missing or another pakes been shifted….. is from
(A) macavity the mystery cat
(C) snake
(C) fire hymn
(D) the soldier
Answer:- A
[19] macavity is a
(A) dog
(B) rat
(C) tiger
(D) cat
Answer:- D
[20] mungojerrie and griddlebone are also
(A) dogs
(B) money’s
(C) bird’s
(D) cats
Answer:- D
[21] macavity is an
(A) outlaw
(B) criminals
(C) looter
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[22] macavity is full of
(A) happiness
(B) sadness
(C) deceitfulness
(D) none of these
Answer:- C
[23] macavity disappears from the place of theft before the….. reach there
(A) Owner
(B) police
(C) Charles
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
[24] he s is broken every human law is taken from
(A) The soldier
(B) fire hymn
(C) an epitaph
(D) macavity the mystery cat
Answer:- D
[25] and when the foreign office find a treatys gone astray is written by
(A) walt Whitman
(B) Rupert brooke
(C) TS Eliot
(D) kamala das
Answer:- C
[26] macavity the mystery cat has been taken from
(A) old possums books of practical cats
(B) young Arthur’s cats
(C) young Mathews dogs and cats
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[27] who finds macavity lazy and half asleep
(A) Kamala das
(B) TS Eliot
(C) Kamala das
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
[28] according to TS Eliot macavity is an/a
(A) master criminal
(B) convicted criminal
(C) ordinary criminal
(D) none of these
Answer:- -A
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 7 Subjective Question Answer
Very Coming Soon….
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