इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी अध्याय 5 (Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 5) के सारे Objective और Subjective प्रश्नों का Solution कराया गया हैं। इसलिए इस आर्टिकल पोस्ट में दिये गये प्रश्नों का अध्ययन आप सभी ध्यान पूर्वक करें।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 5
नमस्कार दोस्तों, इस आर्टिकल पोस्ट के माध्यम से आप जानेंगे, बिहार बोर्ड क्लास 12th इंग्लिश पोएट्री चैप्टर 5 (Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 5) का सलूशन। इस पोस्ट में वैसे प्रश्न हि बताये गये है, जो आपके परीक्षा के दृष्टि से काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। इसलिए सभी प्रश्नों का अध्ययन ध्यान पूर्वक करें।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 5 का वीडियो सोलुशन का लिंक इसी आर्टिकल में दिया गया है, जहाँ से आप सम्पूर्ण हिंदी अर्थ में प्रश्न एवं उसका उत्तर को समझ सकते है। इसलिये निचे दिये लिंक पे अवश्य क्लिक करें। बिहार बोर्ड अंग्रेजी का टॉपर होट्स नोट्स प्राप्त करने के लिए 8920713254 पे सम्पर्क करें।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 5 Objective Question Answer
Chapter Name – An epitaph.
[1] Walter de la mare belonged to the….. century
(A) 19th
(B) 20th
(C) 18th
(D) 17th
Answer:- B
[2] and when I crumble who will remember is written by
(A) john Donne
(B) john Keats
(C) Rupert brooke
(D) Walter de la mare
Answer: D
[3] Walter de la mare us aware of the
(A) inhuman canditions of modern life
(B) poverty
(C) dreams
(D) London life
[4] Walter de la mare was born in the year
(A) 1853
(B) 1867
(C) 1873
(D) 1889
Answer: C
[5] an epitaph deals with a beautiful
(A) girl
(B) lady
(C) baby
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 5 MCQ Video
[6] the lady mentioned in the poem an epitaph belonged to
(A) the north country
(B) the East country
(C) the west country
(D) the south country
Answer:- C
[7] The poetic device which is used in the poem an epitaph is
(A) metaphor
(B) simile
(C) ambiguity
(D) none of these
Answer:- C
[8] The term crumble used in the poem an epitaph means to
(A) die
(B) live
(C) suffer
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[9] ….. was honoured with the order of merit in 1953
(A) john Donne
(B) Walter de la mare
(C) William Wordsworth
(D) none of these
Answer:- B

[10] who has composed the poem an epitaph
(A) Walter de la mare
(B) Rupert brooke
(C) DH Lawrence
(D) wh Auden
Answer:- A
[11] Walter de la mare belonged to….. century
(A) 19th
(B) 20th
(C) 18th
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
[12] Walter de la mare received the order of merit with queen flizabeth in
(A) 1951
(B) 1952
(C) 1953
(D) 1954
Answer:- C
[13] Walter de la mare was
(A) a poet
(B) a novelist
(C) a short story writer
(D) all of these
Answer:- D
[14] Walter de la mare shows fresh interest in….. themes
(A) old
(B) medical
(C) love
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[15] Walter de la mare knew a…. Who is now dead
(A) girl
(B) lady
(C) boy
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
[16] Walter de la mare has written the poem
(A) The soldier
(B) fire hymn
(C) snake
(D) an epitaph
Answer:- D
[17] in winter de la mare songs There is a note of
(A) surprise
(B) excitement
(C) hope
(D) melancholy
Answer:- C
[18] The poet thinks that….. is not everlasting
(A) beauty
(B) cruelty
(C) ugliness
(D) love
Answer:- A
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 5
[19] The lady who is died lies in the
(A) garden
(B) grave
(C) field
(D) house
Answer:- B
[20] light of step and heart was she is taken from
(A) fire hymn
(B) snake
(C) an epitaph
(D) the soldier
Answer:- C
[21] when I crumble who will remember is taken from
(A) fire hymn
(B) snake
(C) an epitaph
(D) ode to Autumn
Answer:- C
[22] in which poem does the poet express his sad feeling for a beautiful lady
(A) to Autumn
(B) The soldier
(C) an epitaph
(D) fire hymn
Answer:- C
[23] who wrote the piece why I am not a Christian
(A) Bertrand Russell
(B) The soldier
(C) an epitaph
(D) fire hymn
Answer:- A
[24] However rare rare it be and when I crumble….. is taken from
(A) fire hymn
(B) ode to Autumn
(C) an epitaph
(D) snake
Answer: C
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 5 Subjective Question Answer
Very Coming Soon….
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