Bihar Board Class 12th English Chapter 1 Solution : Prose Section
Bihar Board Class 12th English Chapter 1 Solution
Bihar Board Class 12th English Chapter 1 Solution : Prose Section – इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी अध्याय 1 (Bihar Board Class 12th English Chapter 1) के सारे Objective और Subjective प्रश्नों का Solution कराया गया हैं। इसलिए इस आर्टिकल में दिये गये प्रश्नों का अध्ययन आप सभी ध्यान पूर्वक करें, एवं दोस्तों के साथ आर्टिकल को शेयर भी करें।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Chapter 1 Solution : Prose Section – आर्टिकल के अंत में हमारे सोशल मीडिया हैंडल का लिंक दिया गया है, जहां से आप सभी हमारे साथ जुड़ सकते हैं।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Chapter 1 Objective Question Answer
Chapter Name – Indian civilization and culture English
[1] in no civilization have all men attained………….. ?
(A) enmity
(B) jealousy
(C) education
(D) perfection
Answer:- C
[2] the Gujarati equivalent for civilization means ?
(A) bad conduct
(B) good conduct
(C) intelligent conduct
(D) delightful conduct
Answer:- C
[3] civilization is that mode of conduct which points out to man the path of duty is from – ?
(A) Indian civilization and culture
(B) A child is born
(C) A marriage proposal
(D) Bharat is my home
Answer:- A
[4] some of the immediate and brilliant results of modern inventions are too maddening to resist is from –
(A) Bharat is my home
(B) A pinch of snuff
(C) Indian civilization and culture
(D) A child is born
Answer:- C
[5] The more we indulge in our passions The more unbridled they become is taken from –
(A) Bharat is my home
(B) A pinch of snuff
(C) Indian civilization and culture
(D) A child is born
Answer:- B
Bihar Board 12th English Chapter 1 Objective Question Answer
[6] …………. Were satisfied with true home rule.
(A) our ancestors
(B) Germans
(C) Greeks
(D) Indian
Answer:- A
[7] India remains immovable and that is her –
(A) glory
(B) power
(C) honesty
(D) independent
Answer:- A
[8] Gandhiji died at the hand’s of a fanatic on……….
(A) 31 st October 1984
(B) 15th August 1947
(C) 30 th January 1948
(D 25 th January 1950
Answer:- C
[9] Mahatma Gandhi has written the lesson –
(A) indian civilization and culture
(B) The erath
(C) The artist
(D) I have a dream
Answer:- A
[10] pharaoh’s were rulers of ancient –
(A) Russia
(B) Egypt
(C) India
(D) Greece
Answer:- B

[11] ………….. were rulers of Egypt.
(A) Americans
(B) Africans
(C) Pharaoh’s
(D) Iranians
Answer:- C
[12] civilization is the state of development of a………
(A) people
(B) animal
(C) bird
(D) non living things
Answer:- A
[13] Gibbon is associated with –
(A) Italy
(B) Sweden
(C) Russia
(D) America
Answer:- A
[14] European civilization will mean………. For India
(A) want
(B) living
(C) real
(D) ruin
Answer:- D
[15] simple living and High thinking is the base of –
(A) American civilization
(B) Indian civilization
(C) European civilization
(D) None of these
Answer:- B
Indian Civilization And Culture Objective Question Answer
[16] Indian glory is that it is –
(A) immovable
(B) movable
(C) ignorant
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[17] …………. Was a spiritual leader than a politician
(A) Nehruji
(B) sardar patel
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Indira Gandhi
Answer:- C
[18] my experiments with truth’was written by.
(A) Nehruji
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Sardar patel
(D) None of these
Answer:- B
[19] The human mind is a restless……….. the more it gets the more it wants.
(A) bird
(B) dog
(C) cow
(D) monkey
Answer:- A
[20] sacrifice is the sole aim of our –
(A) philosopher
(B) farmer’s
(C) righis
(D) None of these
Answer:- C
Bihar Board Class 12th English Chapter 1 Notes Pdf Download
[21] our ancestors injoyed true……. Rule
(A) Nice
(B) home
(C) nation
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
[22] wealth and luxuries do not make a……… happy
(A) bird
(B) man
(C) cow
(D) dog
Answer:- B
[23] Gandhi ji went to Champaran in…………
(A) 1915
(B) 1916
(C) 1917
(D) 1918
Answer:- C
[24] Civilization points out to man
(A) how to make money
(B) how to win the enemy
(C) the path of duty
(D) None of these
Answer:- C
[25] The mind is a restless Bird which always remains –
(A) hungry
(B) unsatisfied
(C) sick
(D) None of these
Answer:- B
Bihar Board 12th English Chapter 1 MCQ In Hindi
[26] Happiness is largely a
(A) mental condition
(B) physical condition
(C) disease
(D) None of these
Answer:- A
[27] Mahatma Gandhi was more a
(A) politician
(B) economist
(C) social reformer
(D) Spiritual leader
Answer:- D
[28] in ancient days the common people followed –
(A) business
(B) agriculture
(C) industry’s
(D) None of these
Answer:- B
[29] Modern civilization is the worship of –
(A) material
(B) ethics
(C) equality
(D) None of these
Answer:- A
[30] Indian civilization is –
(A) Godless
(B) based on belief in God
(C) based on partiality
(D) None of these
Answer:- B
Bihar Board Class 12th English Chapter 1 Subjective Question Answer
Very Coming Soon…..
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