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Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3

Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3 Solution

इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी अध्याय 3 (Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3) के सारे Objective और Subjective प्रश्नों का Solution कराया गया हैं। इसलिए इस आर्टिकल पोस्ट में दिये गये प्रश्नों का अध्ययन आप सभी ध्यान पूर्वक करें।

Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3

नमस्कार दोस्तों, इस आर्टिकल पोस्ट के माध्यम से आप जानेंगे, बिहार बोर्ड क्लास 12th इंग्लिश पोएट्री चैप्टर 3 (Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3) का सलूशन। इस पोस्ट में वैसे प्रश्न हि बताये गये है, जो आपके परीक्षा के दृष्टि से काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। इसलिए सभी प्रश्नों का अध्ययन ध्यान पूर्वक करें। 

Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3 का वीडियो सोलुशन का लिंक इसी आर्टिकल में दिया गया है, जहाँ से आप सम्पूर्ण हिंदी अर्थ में प्रश्न एवं उसका उत्तर को समझ सकते है। इसलिये निचे दिये लिंक पे अवश्य क्लिक करें। बिहार बोर्ड अंग्रेजी का टॉपर होट्स नोट्स प्राप्त करने के लिए 8920713254 पे सम्पर्क करें।

Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3 Objective Question Answer


[1] for Auden poetry was a…..

(A) light game

(B) interesting game

(C) serious game

(D) troublesome game

Answer:- C

[2] The line and the nightingale is dumb is taken from

(A) fire hymn

(B) ode to Autumn

(C) now The LEAVES are falling fast

(D) none of these

Answer:- C

[3] and the nightingale is dumb


(B) prams

(C) angle

(D) distress

Answer:- C

[4] nurses to the grave are gone is from

(A) an epitaph

(B) fire hymn

(C) now The LEAVES are falling fast

(D) The soldier

Answer:- C

[5] W.H Auden won the….. prize in 1948

(A) Pulitzer

(B) man booker

(C) Nobel

(D) sahitya academy

Answer:- A

Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3 Video

[6] and the active hand’s must….. Lonely on the separate knees


(B) pluck

(C) freeze

(D) snatch

Answer:- C

[7] in the second line of the poem now The LEAVES are falling fast nurce stands for

(A) a plant

(B) a fruit

(C) a tree

(D) snatch

Answer:- C

[8] in the poem now The LEAVES are falling fast whispering neighbours stand for

(A) agents of life insurance

(B) agents of state bank of india

(C) agent’s of Sahara India

(D) agents of death

Answer:- D

[9] Trolls mentioned in the poem now The LEAVES are falling fast are ….. mythological stand for

(A) Scandinavian

(B) indian

(C) Russian

(D) none of these

Answer:- A

Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3

[10] now The LEAVES are falling fast is….. poem

(A) a pessimistic

(B) optimistic

(C) a pessimistic cum optimistic

(D) none of these

Answer:- C

[11] who has composed the poem now The LEAVES are falling fast

(A) wh Auden

(B) Walter de la mare

(C) Rupert brooke

(D) none of these

Answer:- A

[12] Auden won the Pulitzer prize in

(A) 1947

(B) 1948

(C) 1949

(D) 1950

Answer:- B

[13] whose white waterfall could bless traveller’s in their last…..

(A) distress

(B) sadness

(C) happiness

(D) tears

Answer:- A

[14] Auden was

(A) a poet

(B) a verse dramatist

(C) a serious game

(D) all of these 

Answer:- D

[15] now The LEAVES are falling is

(A) a layric

(B) an ode

(C) a sonnet

(D) an elegy

Answer:- A

Bihar Board 12th English Poetry Chapter 3 ka Objective Question Answer

[16] now The LEAVES are falling fast….. the frustration inherent in human life

(A) reacts

(B) enacts

(C) accepts

(D) protests

Answer:- B

[17] WH Auden has written the poem

(A) fire hymn

(B) ode to Autumn

(C) now The LEAVES are falling fast

(D) sweetest love I do not goe

Answer:- C

[18] the prams are

(A) running

(B) standing

(C) rolling

(D) lying

Answer:- C

[19] human life is no better than

(A) life

(B) death

(C) journey

(D) none of these

Answer:- B

[20] The LEAVES are falling

(A) slow

(B) soon

(C) fast

(D) none of these

Answer:- C

[21] Auden won the Pulitzer prize for his collection of poems

(A) The age of consciousness

(B) the age of anxiety

(C) the age of hatred

(D) none of these

Answer:- B

[22] the….. has been become dumb to see the leafless trees

(A) hen

(B) sparrow

(C) nightingale

(D) none of these

Answer:- C

[23] ….. waterfall could bless the Traveller’s passing through that way

(A) yellow

(B) white

(C) Red

(D) grey

Answer:- B

[24] The falling of….. refer to the speedy arrival of detah

(A) leaves

(B) stones

(C) snows

(D) none of these

Answer:- A

[25] The….. of death are the whispering neighbour

(A) messenger

(B) friends

(C) god

(D) none of these

Answer:- A

Bihar Board 12th English Poetry Chapter 3 ka Objective Question and Answers

[26] whispering neighbours left and right is a line from the poem

(A) an epitaph

(B) song of myself

(C) now The LEAVES are falling fast

(D) snake

Answer:- C

[27] nurse’s flowers will not last is a line written by

(A) john Donne

(B) john Keats

(C) wh Auden

(D) none of these

Answer: C

[28] who run scolding for their food in now The LEAVES are falling fast

(A) Trolls

(B) lions

(C) animals

(D) bird’s

Answer:- A

[29] now the LEAVES are falling fast talks About the….. of human life

(A) frustration

(B) happiness

(C) confusion

(D) knowledge

Answer- A

[30] who is dumb in now The LEAVES are falling fast

(A) Angel

(B) poet

(C) trees

(D) nightingale 

Answer:- D 

Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 3 Subjective Question Answer

Very Coming Soon….

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