इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी अध्याय 2 (Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 2) के सारे Objective और Subjective प्रश्नों का Solution कराया गया हैं। इसलिए इस आर्टिकल पोस्ट में दिये गये प्रश्नों का अध्ययन आप सभी ध्यान पूर्वक करें।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 2
नमस्कार दोस्तों, इस आर्टिकल पोस्ट के माध्यम से आप जानेंगे, बिहार बोर्ड क्लास 12th इंग्लिश पोएट्री चैप्टर 2 (Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 2) का सलूशन। इस पोस्ट में वैसे प्रश्न हि बताये गये है, जो आपके परीक्षा के दृष्टि से काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। इसलिए सभी प्रश्नों का अध्ययन ध्यान पूर्वक करें।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 2 का वीडियो सोलुशन का लिंक इसी आर्टिकल में दिया गया है, जहाँ से आप सम्पूर्ण हिंदी अर्थ में प्रश्न एवं उसका उत्तर को समझ सकते है। इसलिये निचे दिये लिंक पे अवश्य क्लिक करें। बिहार बोर्ड अंग्रेजी का टॉपर होट्स नोट्स प्राप्त करने के लिए 8920713254 पे सम्पर्क करें।
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 2 Objective Question Answer
Chapter Name – Song of myself.
[1] who is the speaker in the poem song of myself
(A) A boy
(B) A girl
(C) The poet himself
(D) an old man
Answer:- C
[2] The line I now thirty seven years old in perfect health begin has been taken from the poem…
(A) ode to Autumn
(B) john Keats
(C) walt Whitman
(D) Rupert brooke
Answer:- C
[3] who composed leaves of grass
(A) walt Whitman
(B) john Keats
(C)TS Eliot
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[4] The word schools stands for….. in song of myself ( I celebrate myself)
(A) academy
(B) systems Keats
(C) walt Whitman
(D) Rupert brooke
Answer:- B
[5] who has composed the poem song of myself
(A) Walt Whitman
(B) Tennyson
(C) Emerson
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 2 question Answer PDF download link
[6] Whitman was….. poet
(A) an Indian
(B) an American
(C) a British
(D) none of these
Answer:- B
[7] Whitman was born in
(A) 1817
(B) 1818
(C) 1819
(D) 1820
Answer:- C
[8] Whitman died in
(A) 1889
(B) 1890
(C) 1891
(D) 1892
Answer:- D
[9] song of myself is
(A) a layric
(B) an epic
(C) a sonnet
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[10] The opening section of song of myself is entitled has
(A) grass
(B) I celebrate myself
(C) animal
(D) none of these
Answer:- B

[11] who is the speaker in song of myself (I celebrate myself)
(A) Emerson
(B) Robert Frost
(C) walt Whitman
(D) none of these
Answer:- C
[12] according to song of myself (I celebrate myself) the speaker is a great lover of
(A) art’s
(B) science
(C) commerce
(D) nature
Answer:- D
[13] walt Whitman has written the poem
(A) an epitaph
(B) The soldier
(C) song of myself
(D) fire hymn
Answer:- C
[14] walt Whitman is….. years old
(A) 34
(B) 35
(C) 36
(D) 37
Answer:- D
[15] hoping to cease not till death is a line from
(A) sweetest love I do not goe
(B) song of myself
(C) The soldier
(D) fire hymn
Answer:- B
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry
[16] I celebrate myself and sing myself is written by
(A) walt Whitman
(B) john Keats
(C) john Donne
(D) none of these
Answer:; A
[17] I in the first line of the poem song of myself is the poet
(A) john Keats
(B) Kamala das
(C) walt Whitman
(D) john Donne
Answer:- C
[18] in the poem song of myself the poet…. For himself
(A) laughs
(B) cries
(C) sings
(D) none of these
Answer:- C
[19] and what I assume you shall assume is taken from the poem
(A) song of myself
(B) an epitaph
(C) The soldier
(D) fire hymn
Answer:- A
[20] I harbour for good or bad is written by
(A) john Keats
(B) john Donne
(C) walt Whitman
(D) none of these
Answer:- C
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 2
[21] I celebrate myself and sing myself…. Is from
(A) snake
(B) ode to Autumn
(C) song of myself
(D) none of these
Answer:- C
[22] ….. work’s include leaves of grass and drum taps
(A) walt Whitman s
(B) DH Lawrence
(C) TS Eliot
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[23] I permit to speak at every Hazard is taken from
(A) song of myself
(B) snake
(C) The soldier
(D) none of these
Answer:- A
[24] walt Whitman worked as a valunteer nurce in
(A) the civil war
(B) crimean war
(C) second world war
(D) first World war
Answer:- -A
Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 2 Subjective Question
Very Coming Soon …
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