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Bihar Board 12th English Poetry Chapter 8 MCQ Test – तैयारी में दम हैं तो 15 में से 13 सही करों ✓

Bihar Board 12th English Poetry Chapter 8 MCQ Test : दोस्तों, बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी के चैप्टर 8 की पढ़ाई यदि आप सभी अच्छे से कर लिए हैं तो आपको एक बार इस चैप्टर के MCQ का देना चाहिए।

इससे आपको तैयारी का आंकलन हों जाएगा। अतः सभी छात्रों से अनुरोध हैं, नीचे दिए गए टेस्ट को अवश्य दे। यदि, आप  Poetry Chapter 8 MCQ नहीं पढ़े है, तो Click Here पे क्लिक करके, चैप्टर की पढ़ाई करें, सबसे पहले। उसके बाद Test को दीजिए। 

Bihar Board 12th English Poetry Chapter 8 MCQ Test
Bihar Board 12th English Poetry Chapter 8 MCQ Test

Bihar Board 12th English Poetry Chapter 8 MCQ Test

FIRE-HYMM MCQ Online Test, Bseb 12th Poetry Chapter 8 Mock Test, Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Section Chapter 8 Test, Bihar Board Class 12 English MCQ Test By Bseb Career, Bihar School Examination Board, Bseb Quiz, Bihar Board Class 12 English Chapter 8 (Poetry Section) Test, Bihar Board 12th English Online Test.


Bihar Board Class 12th English Poetry Chapter 8 (Fire-Hymm) Online Test

तैयारी में दम हैं तो 15 में से 13 सही करके दिखाओं।

1 / 15

Keki N daruwalla is an...... Poet.

2 / 15

..... Belongs to zoroastrain religion.

3 / 15

Keki N daruwalla consigned his new born...... To flames.

4 / 15

Who has violated the tradition of religion by cremating.

5 / 15

K.N. daruwalla received sahitya Akademy Award in -

6 / 15

The cremation of dead bodies in.... Are somewhat different.

7 / 15

Fire Hymn deals with.....ghat.

8 / 15

The...... Child was consigned to the fire under compulsion.

9 / 15

The ....... Forgets it's dead.

10 / 15

Daruwalla has been a well known poet as well as a -

11 / 15

The speaker in the poem. Fire Hymn swears-

12 / 15

The nearest Tower of silence according to the poem fire Hymn was..... away.

13 / 15

The term zoroastrain in fire Hymn stands for -

14 / 15

The poet sees the red hot.....

15 / 15

Who has composed the poem. Fire Hymn ?

Your score is

The average score is 67%


Bihar Board 12th English Poetry Chapter 8 MCQ Test ~ Conclusion

अतः आप सभी इस टेस्ट को ध्यान पूर्वक दीजिए। यदि आपको Test में कम % आता हैं, तो कृपया करके चैप्टर पढ़े और दुबारा से टेस्ट दे। ज्यादा से ज्यादा दोस्तों के साथ इस टेस्ट को शेयर करें। शुक्रिया….आपका प्रिय बोर्ड, बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति, पटना [WhatsApp Group]

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